
5GTNF coordinates and combines the research and technology development activities from the 5G infrastructures built under Tekes’ 5th Gear programme. TNF creates a single coherent entity from the numerous smaller test networks around Finland (5GTN, CORE++, TAKE-5 and FUHF, below) and represents them as an integrated innovation platform to the research community, industry and other interested parties on both national and international level. With this approach, the 5GTNF covers all relevant 5G research areas ranging from the programmable core network infrastructures (including the utilization of the Software Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization concepts) to dense and heterogeneous access network configurations (including small cells and Internet of Things use cases). More efficient and intelligent use of the available spectrum (including different spectrum sharing techniques and utilization of the Ultra-High Frequency band in cellular communications) is also covered together with the related business and regulation issues.

Target group

  • Solution Provider 5G