Laboratory environment for 5G technologies for the development, testing and optimization of hardware and software implementations in the millimeter wave range.
Interface to the 5G test field (5G Berlin): from laboratory to field.
- Mobility and the city of the future
- Industry and production
- Health and medicine
- Critical infrastructures
- Frequencies up to 100GHz with focus on 28 GHz and 60 GHz
- Transmission bandwidths up to 2 GHz
Framework conditions
- Development and tests in laboratory environment
- Channel measurements and trials in the field as required (indoor/outdoor)
- Components and systems for millimeter wave transmission
- Flexible platforms for real-time signal processing
- PCB antenna design for specific applications
- Implementation of specific signal processing algorithms
- System integration
- Transmission standards: IEEE 802.11ad
Test equipment
- Test and measurement equipment for component characterization and transmission testing up to 100 GHz (network analyzers, signal generators, signal and spectrum analyzers)
- Measuring antennas and reference clocks for directionally resolved radio channel measurements
- FPGA platforms
- IEEE 802.11ad hardware
- 60 GHz backhaul left
- Use within the scope of cooperation and order projects
Target group
- Enterprises in mobile radio, machine and plant enineering, vehicle construction