The goal of the TAVF project is to set up an approx. eight-kilometer test track in public inner-city road traffic areas. This is to enable vendor-independent and user-group-open testing of automated and networked vehicles with the necessary infrastructure components under real conditions in mixed traffic.
The BMVI supports the project Test track Automated and Networked Driving Hamburg and supports the further development of the test field.
- Various applications are possible that meet the overall objectives such as increasing road safety, long-term efficiency increase, replacement vehicle infrastructure
- Transmission of LSA real-time information via ITS G5
- Examples:
– Turning processes and environment monitoring
Framework conditions
- Showcase for the ITS World Congress 2021 possible
- ITS G5 Roadside Units
- Day One applications
- Public Key Infrastructure for tests
Test equipment
- Transmission technologie via WiFi
- Extensive network with partners from industry and research, thus enabling links to be established
Target group
- OEMs, industry, research institutes